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Local Summerset Pest Control

The domestic residences in Summerset is a popular habitat that host pests such as mice, rats, other rodents, flies, fleas, cockroaches, ants, termites, dust mites, tics, lice, fish moths, mosquitos, spiders, bed bugs and midgets. These pests are normally found in various locations of the property and could cause havoc if not kept under control which is common in Summerset. Our pest control technicians in Summerset have reported that pests are normally found in kitchen cupboards, food storage cupboards or containers, in the area of geysers, in bathrooms, inside the ceilings, inside outbuildings and in the garden. Other damage common in Summerset could include structural damage to the building as such pests thrive on material such as wood and concrete walls. Summerset have large numbers of thatched structures and buildings erected of wood especially attract pests as they use such materials to build their nests.

Pest Control and Fumigation Services in Summerset offer exceptional aftermarket service and provide a guarantee on services rendered. Summerset Pest and Fumigation Services have built a good reputation in the Summerset area over years with thousands of satisfied customers. Summerset Pest Control and Fumigation Services always try all ways and means in preserving the environment and respect all creatures on earth. However, when pests become a threat in a human environment Summerset Pest Control and Fumigation Services have to respond. In order to preserve our environment, it is imperative to use Eco friendly products that do not cause any harmful effects on people or animals.

Summerset Ant Pest Control Fumigation

Summerset Pest Control Fumigation share some interesting facts about common insects. There Is an estimated total of 22000 ant species around the world but only about 550 different species in South Africa. Ants thrive in South Africa which is due to our favorable weather conditions. The most common ant found on your property are the carpenter ants, odorous house ant and the so-called pavement ants. The carpenter ants can be quote destructive to your home. Summerset Pest Control Fumigation found plenty of cases where carpenter ants eat into wood such as door frames, wooden floors, wooden window frames and laminated floors. Summerset Pest Control Fumigation also found many cases where carpenter and dug into cement such as plastered walls or even into foundation.

Summerset Ant Control Fumigation believe that ants hold the record for the fastest moving insect in the animal kingdom. The ant is a social insect that live in colonies. Ant Control Fumigation understand that ants don’t have ears, and some don’t have eyes. Another very interesting fact is that an ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. The ant doesn’t have lungs, they collect oxygen through their body which have tiny holes. The queen ant live much longer than the other ants and she produces millions of babies.

Ant don’t have ears but feel their way through vibration through their feet. Ant normally fights to the death. Ants leave a pheromone using it as their trail to follow each other when collecting food. The queen ant has wings but sheds it when starting a new nest. Ants are very dependent on their queen, if she dies then the colony don’t live for long afterwards. The queen is protected by the soldier ant. The soldier ant also protects the colony, they gather food and fight off enemy colonies.

Summerset Cockroach Control Fumigation

Summerset Cockroach Control find that there are about 4600 cockroach species. The most common species we find associated with human habitats are the German Cockroach, the American Cockroach, The Australian Cockroach, and the Oriental Cockroach. We also refer to the cockroach as a roach. The male cockroach usually has two pairs of wings where the female is either winless or have vestigial wings, depending on the species.

The female cockroach carries her eggs on her body and then stick them in dark humid areas. The female of the American cockroach deposits about 50 ootheca or egg mass each containing about 16 eggs, these eggs hatch after about 45 days. The German cockroach is the most common household cockroach. It is dark brown with two dark stripes. The female produces the ootheca about 3 days after mating and carries it for 20 days. There may be three to four generations yearly. It is common for these cockroaches to be carries into your home in boxes or grocery containers.

Cockroaches tend to be more active in the dark when they come looking for food. They have small mouths so they even scavenge on tiny food particles that they can find. Their nest has a distinct unpleasant smell. In view of this Summerset Pest Control Fumigation recommend that once you notice a few cockroaches in your home you must realise that there are many eggs waiting to hatch, so immediate action should be taken. If not, then this could end up in a severe infestation that may become very difficult to control. As you have a good idea of the number of eggs laid by the female cockroach and the confined areas where she lays these eggs more that one treatment may be necessary for maximum result. Summerset Cockroach Control and Fumigations normally use more that one product to get rid of cockroaches.

Summerset Rat, Mice and Rodent Control

Rats and mice infestation is a major public health issue. Rats and mice pose a threat to the public as they spread dangerous diseases. Rats and mice are similar except for their size. Rats are bigger than mice. There are different species however they both look for warm areas where they can nest. The home is quite an ideal place for rats and mice to build their nest. Summerset Rat Control find that rats and mice tend to build their nest inside your roof where it is safe from humans and other predators. It is quite common for you to start hearing the movement of rats and mice in your house ceiling during winter times as that is when they build a warm nest to protect them from the cold.

Rats and mice have two large front teeth that helps them chew through objects. To mention a few Rats and mice can chew their way through cardboard material, they can chew through fabric ants well as plastic or rubber. There were many cases reported to Summerset Pest Control Fumigation where rats damaged motor vehicles and electronic equipment. Damage as a result of this may become quite costly so its best to take proactive measurements from the beginning.

Another type of pest you may find on your property the Mole. The mole is part of the rodent species and is a mammal. There are different kind of Mole species. Moles normally dig tunnels under the ground and feed on roots as well as earth worms. Their saliva contains toxin that can paralyze earthworms.

An interesting myth about moles is that they are blind. Moles are not blind, but they do have limited vision, they do tend to go towards light. Moles are solitary creatures that only come together to mate. You can normally identify a mole in your garden when you start to see heaps of sand in your garden. The sand is removed by the move where they dig their tunnels.

Don’t ever try and catch a mole as they may carry certain bacteria and diseases. The best way to get rid of moles in your garden is to either smoke them out or to fog them out of their tunnels.

Summerset Scorpion Control

There are many different species of scorpions in South Africa. Scorpions paralyze their prey by stinging it. Scorpions will also sting as a self-defense mechanism. Some are venomous depending on the species. Most scorpions found in South Africa are not life threatening. The more dangerous scorpion has a thick tail with a thick stinger, they normally have small claws.

Scorpions in the suburban areas are normally found under rocks, under pot plants or under logs, however they do tend to come into the house looking for shelter and food. It is not that easy to get keep scorpions from entering your house. There are certain products that Summerset Scorpion Control use to keep scorpions at bay. The best is to treat the perimeter of your house in order to prevent a scorpion from entering your residence.

Summerset Fly Control

Flies are small flying insects normally found more in summer times. It is estimates that there are 17 million flies for each person on earth. There are thousands of different species of flies. The average life span of a fly is 21 days. The female fly lays up to 600 eggs in her life span. Baby flies are called larvae or maggots. Maggots are used in some cases to help patients with flesh wounds as they eat away damaged skin. Flies tend to pollinate plants, eat sludge in your drainpipes, consume decomposing bodies. Flies also damage crops, spread diseases, they also hunt dragonflies.

Flies don’t have teeth. A fly can’t eat solid food, so they turn their food into a liquid from. They vomit or spit on the food to turn it into liquid. Therefore, are flies considered dirty and can cause various types of illness. Flies don’t have specific nests and may make nests in different places. Flies lay eggs in food, pet droppings, food scraps in dustbins and even in garden equipment. Summerset Fly Control recommend that you always cover your food and always keep surfaces clean. Pest Control Summerset can assist with the reduction of fly infestation by using specific products that are not harmful for people.

Summerset Bed Bug Pest Control

Bed Bugs feed on blood and can cause health problems. Bed Bugs are small brownish insects and prefer to feed on humans as well as other warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs lay up to 250 eggs in her lifetime. Their eggs hatch between 6 and ten days. Bed bugs are travelers and can be carries in by luggage or people. Bed bugs tend to nest on your mattrass without you noticing it. They also nest in fabric such as clothing and bedding. A sign of bed bugs on your mattress is small rusty spots or small blood stains on your bedding.

You may experience itchiness on your skin that may also turn into blisters. Bed bugs don’t like heat so the first thing you should do if you suspect a bed bug infestation is to wash all clothing and bedding in hot water.

Summerset Dust Mite Pest Control

Dust mites are tiny insects and normally can’t be seen by the eye. Dust Mites may cause allergies and hay fever. They thrive in warm humid areas. Dust Mites also nest in bedding, upholstered furniture as well as carpets. Dust mites also aggravate signs of asthma as well as other diseases. Symptoms may include heavy breathing, chest pain, wheezing sound when exhaling, shortness of breath, coughing. It is therefore very important to always change your bedding frequently. Pest Control Summerset can assist by treating your entire home for bed bugs. It is fair to say that a dust mite is an unwelcome pest in your home.

Summerset Flea Control Fumigation

Fleas are tiny little insects that also bite into your skin. There are about 2500 species of fleas. There are parasites feeding on blood of mammals and birds. The size of their eggs is microscopic. Fleas don’t live on humans but feed on their blood. Flea bites may cause infection on the animal or human.

Infection caused by a flea can get worse if not treated. If your dog keeps on scratching, there is a great possibility, and it was bitten by a flea. You may be able to apply products on your pets to get rid of their fleas, but chances are great that the fleas may still be breeding on your property or even inside your house.

Flea bites on humans may cause allergic reactions such as hives, rash, shortness of breath and swelling. Infection as a result of a flea bite may also cause fever, headache, body aches, rashes, nausea, stomach pain, weight loss, dizziness, and weakness. Fleas are known to jump quite high so it may be difficult for you to try and treat the problem yourself. It is always best to have your home treated inside as well as outside in order to get rid of the flea problem.

Fleas tend to nest in damp areas around your house or where your dog normally lay on your property. There are various ways how fleas end up on your property. It could be carried in by visitors, or it could have jumped onto your clothing or shoes. It could also have been brought in by your pet.

Summerset Spider Control Fumigation

There are many different spider species in South Africa. Spiders that need to be avoided at all times are the Button Spider, The Sac Spider and the Violin Spider. Other types of spiders may leave serious marks on your skin and may be more dangerous for infants. Spiders normally build their webs outside in the garden or under the roof of your house. Spiders in general don’t attack unless when they feel threatened. Spiders also build their webs in the garden and quite often inside your swimming pool housing.

Spiders normally feed on insects that they catch in their webs. Summerset Spider Control Fumigation recommend that you have your house treated against spider infestation as they could be harmful for your children. Summerset Pest Control Fumigation recommend that you treat the inside as well as the outside of your home to ensure spiders don’t impose a risk to your children or family.

Summerset Mosquito Control Fumigation

Mosquitos are from different species. Mosquito bites in some parts of South Africa may cause severe illness such as malaria. Mosquitos do carry several parasites, viruses as well as roundworms. The common mosquito found in Summerset is fairly harmless. A mosquito normally bites into your skin in order to extract blood. They then leave their saliva which then cause a bump that itches.

Certain species of mosquitos feed on animals such as cattle and other livestock. Mosquitos does contribute towards the eco system as they serve as food for frogs, bats, fish as well as for birds. Mosquitos normally lay their eggs on still water but also in long grass. Pest Control Summerset recommend that you always ensure that your lawn is mowed and kept short. Should you have a fishpond then we recommend that you keep the pump running and in working condition to deter mosquitos from nesting on such water.

Summerset Pest Control Fumigation use specific products that has been quite successful over time in getting rid of or controlling mosquitos. However, such treatment is recommended to be repeated on an annual basis in order to achieve long-lasting result.

Summerset Tick Control

Tics are external parasites feeding on blood from mammals. There are different species of ticks however the most common ticks are small and red or big and grey. Research show that the average life cycle of a tick is up to two years. Ticks normally climb onto pets such as dogs. They then claw onto the skin of such animal and remain there as long as possible and use such animal as their food source.

Ticks do carry bacteria which may be lethal if not treated. It is quite common for ticks to give a person or an animal tick fever which is very difficult to treat with medication. You always need to visit a medical practitioner should you or your pet start showing the slightest signs of such illness.

It has also a known fact that tick bites cause death to pets if such infestation is not treated. Fortunately, there are products on the market to treat pests against ticks, however, should ticks be found on pets then we at Summerset Pest Control Fumigation highly recommend to also treat the entire property in order to avoid a future tick problem.

Summerset Termite Control Fumigation

There are approximately 2000 different species of termites, but the most common species are Subterranean, drywood and Dampwood termites. The most destructive species is the Subterranean termite. They live underground and could and could have up to two million members living in the same nest. They live under ground to protect themselves from the open air. The termite colony consist of the queen, the king, the soldier, and the winged reproducers.

Termites in general consume wood and can therefore be destructive to your home if not treated in time. As they live underground there is a risk that they could hollow out your floor underneath which may result in the floor collapsing at some stage. The repairs may end up being enormous and not budgeted for. Insurance companies normally don’t cover such loss. Early signs of termites may include heaps of sand inside and outside your home against the walls. Another sign is the skirting boards on the inside walls of your house may show signs of deterioration or even holes. The longer you wait to treat it the more costly it becomes.

Summerset Fish Moth Control Fumigation

Fish Moths normally hide inside your wardrobe between clothing or linen where they feed on fabric. They are a silvery flat insect and has a fish type appearance, hence where they get their name from. Fortunately, Fish Moths don’t bite humans and do not carry diseases. Fish Moths prefer dark places and are not always discovered. You know you might have a fish moth problem as soon as you discover holes in your clothing or linen. Summerset Pest Control had great success in the past in getting rid of Fish Moths.

Summerset Wasp Control

There are different species of wasps. Wasps normally build their nests all over, however Summerset Wasp Control found that they tend to build their nest under the roof where they protect their babies from rain. The wasp nest is normally white to grey in color. Certain species of wasps also use clay particles to build a nest. The queen wasp normally starts building the first structure then the males add to the rest. The queen lays her eggs in the nest and the worker wasps then bring food to the queen. The wasp is very protective over its nest and will fight to protect it.

Wasps are different to bees as they don’t loose their stinger when they attack. Wasps could sting more than once when aggravated. Never aggravate a wasp nest as it could have devastating results. Summerset Pest Control has the know how to safely remove a wasp nest.

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We offer extensive Pest Control and Fumigation services throughout the whole Summerset area. We offer free call out fees and free quotations by certified and qualified experienced Pest Controllers.

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Choosing Right Pest Control and Fumigation Contractor

Fast and efficient pest control services throughout the whole of Summerset

Summerset Pest Control and Fumigation Services specialize in the eradication or removal of pests such as mosquitoes, fleas, flies, lice, termites, dust mites, cockroaches, fish moths, ants, bed bugs, mice, rats, ticks, spiders, centipedes, and scorpions and various other pests, including the relocation of bees. Pest Control and Fumigation Services in Summerset have built a reputation over time to such an extent that our clients keep using our services for their pest control and fumigation needs. The reason being is that the products we use are highly effective and our after-sales service and guaranteed workmanship have stood the test of time.

  • Ant pest control
  • Bed Bug pest control
  • Bee removal Centipede pest control
  • Scorpion pest control
  • Spider pest control
  • Wasp pest control
  • Cockroach pest control
  • Dust mite pest control
  • Flea pest control
  • Fly pest control
  • Lice pest control
  • Mice pest control
  • Mosquito pest control
  • Rats’ pest control
  • Rodent pest control
  • Termites’ pest control
  • Ticks’ pest control
  • Fish moth pest control
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We offer free call out fees and we don't charge for quotation. Our specialist teams of pest controllers are always on stanby to assist you with any question you might have. Our teams are geared at creating a long terms relationship with our clients.

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